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RV Tools & Storage: Everything You Need to Know

RV Tools & Storage: Everything You Need to Know

Everyone who owns an RV knows that having the right tools on hand is essential! From making small repairs to troubleshooting issues on the road, having a well-stocked toolkit can mean the difference between a great trip and a disaster. 

But keeping those tools organized and accessible is equally important. In this article, we will explore the necessary tools for your RV as well as the best ways to store and maintain them. But first let’s take a look at what you need. 

The 9 Essential Tools for Your RV

When you're on the road, you never know when you might encounter a problem that requires a quick fix. Having the right tools on hand can save you time and money by allowing you to make repairs on the spot. Here is a list of the essential tools you should have in your RV:

  • Hammer
  • Screwdrivers (both Phillips and flathead)
  • Pliers (needle-nose and regular)
  • Wrench set
  • Socket set.
  • Multi-tool and a utility knife
  • Drill with drill bits
  • Jigsaw
  • And a circular saw

These tools will help you get out of virtually any jam or take on DIY projects like building a new shelf or light fixture. For example, if your RV's faucet starts leaking, you can use your wrench set to tighten the connections and stop the leak before it causes any damage.

However, it's important to remember that power tools can be dangerous if not used properly. Always read the manufacturer's instructions and wear appropriate safety gear when using power tools.

5 Specialty RV Tools That Can Help 

RVs have unique features that require specific tools. Examples of these specialty tools are:

  • Torque wrench for tightening lug nuts
  • Voltage tester
  • Battery load tester.
  • Sewer hose extension
  • And a tire pressure gauge that works for both dual and single tires.

It's important to have these specialty tools on hand because they can save you time and money in the long run. For example, using a torque wrench to properly tighten your lug nuts can prevent wheel damage and ensure a safe and smooth ride. Now let’s get into some safety equipment. 

The 5 Safety Equipment Must-Haves  

In addition to tools, it's essential to have safety equipment. This should include:

  • Work gloves which can protect your hands from cuts and scrapes
  • Safety glasses which can prevent eye injuries from flying debris
  • Earplugs which can protect your hearing from loud power tools
  • First-aid kit which can provide essential medical supplies in case of an accident
  • And a fire extinguisher which can help you quickly put out a fire before it causes serious damage.

Safety should always be a top priority when making repairs and maintaining your RV. By having the right tools and safety equipment on hand, you can ensure that your RV is always in top condition and ready for your next adventure.

Top 4 Ways of Organizing Your RV Tool Storage

When it comes to RV living, having the right tools on hand can make all the difference. Not only will it save you time and frustration when you need a specific tool, but it can also help keep your RV clutter-free. 

So here is a breakdown of the 4 ways you can keep your tools and safety equipment organized and some tips when implementing them. 

Type of Storage Options Tips
Toolbox or Bag
  • A hard plastic toolbox is durable and weather-resistant, but it can be challenging to store in smaller RVs.
  • A soft-sided bag is an excellent alternative, as it can be easily stored under a bed or in a closet.  
Consider using foam inserts or dividers to keep everything in its place.
Wall-Mounted Storage Solutions
  • Pegboards or magnetic strips are great options for storing hand tools.
  • Storage racks can hold larger items like power tools and saws.
When installing a wall-mounted storage system, make sure to use the appropriate hardware for your RV's walls. 
Under-Seat and Hidden Storage
  • Under-seat storage 
  • Cabinets above the driver and passenger seats.
Consider installing a locking system to keep your tools secure.


Use bins or dividers to keep similar items together, and label everything clearly. This will make it easier to find what you need and prevent items from getting lost or damaged. If you're handy, there are various DIY storage solutions you can create in your RV. Building a custom storage compartment under a seat or in the back of a closet is an excellent way to store tools out of sight. The internet is full of creative ideas for DIY RV storage, so get creative!

Having a well-organized tool storage system is essential for RV living. Whether you choose to use a toolbox, wall-mounted storage, hidden storage, or DIY solutions, make sure to keep everything organized and secure. 

Top 4 Tips to Maintain Your RV Tools

From fixing a leaky faucet to repairing a broken awning, having a well-stocked toolbox can make all the difference. However, simply having the tools is not enough. Proper maintenance and care are necessary to ensure that your tools are always in good working condition. Here are four tips you can apply. 

1) Clean and Inspect Regularly 

Tools that are used frequently can become dirty, which can cause rust and corrosion, shortening their lifespan. Regularly cleaning your tools with a cloth and soapy water can help prevent this.

In addition to cleaning, it's important to inspect your tools frequently for any signs of damage or wear. Look for cracks, chips, or other signs of damage. If you notice any issues, replace the tool immediately to prevent injury or further damage.

Another important aspect of tool maintenance is lubrication. Applying a small amount of oil to moving parts can help prevent rust and keep your tools working smoothly. Be sure to use a lubricant that is appropriate for the specific tool and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

2) Store Your Tools in Proper Conditions

Tools should be stored in a dry environment and protected from moisture to help prevent rust and corrosion. This is particularly true for power tools, which should be kept in a dry place away from any sources of water. 

If you have limited space in your RV, consider investing in a toolbox that is designed for compact storage. These toolboxes are often made of durable materials and have compartments that keep your tools organized and protected.

3) Replace Worn or Damaged Tools

If a tool becomes worn or damaged, it's essential to replace it immediately. Even slight damage can make a tool dangerous to use and affect the quality of your work. 

Keeping an inventory of your tools and inspecting them regularly can help you identify any that need to be replaced. When replacing a tool, be sure to choose a high-quality replacement that is appropriate for the job at hand. 

4) Keep an Updated Inventory

This will help you keep track of what you have and what may be missing. When creating your inventory, be sure to include the make and model of each tool, as well as any important details such as the size or type of battery required. 

This information will be helpful if you need to order replacement parts or purchase new tools. By following these tips for maintaining your RV tools, you can ensure that you always have the right tool for the job and that your tools are in good working condition. 

With a little effort and attention to detail, you can extend the lifespan of your tools and enjoy a successful and stress-free trip.


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